Siobhan of The Nailphile previewed nubar's Going Green with nubar Collection earlier this month, a limited edition collection that you will see soon from nubar. Highlights of the collection include Earth and Reclaim, pictured below.
Today Scrangie reviewed nubar's Parisian Collection, telling her readers,"The formula on these was very good. Smooth and thin, non-streaky and quick drying. I had no issues applying them... I normally have a problem with sheers and milky pinks being extremely streaky, but these didn't have that problem. Very cool." Her favorite of the collection is Eiffel Tower Sparkle, of which she says, "It's so pretty and sparkly."
We found that Siobhan at The Nailphile recently reviewed nubar's California Dreamin' Collection, calling it, "one of the most overlooked collections in the history of nail polish," and going on to say that she'd been reluctant to try them because, "the colors are shimmers, and usually orange, yellow, and green shimmers take eight zillion coats to not be opaque, but I found that's completely not the case here."
Highlights of her photographs of the collection include what Siobhan calls, "my beloved pink to end all pinks, Hollywood Pink," and Reef Green, which she tells her readers,"is a stunner."
Scrangierecently needed a little something to shake things up and looked to nubar for the perfect nail polish, Disco Blue.
Scrangie in Disco Blue
She says, "Nubar's glitters are strangely smooth," and that, "Nubar is known for their out-of-this-world unique and breathtakingly beautiful duochrome shades like Peacock Feathers and Purple Beach, but they also have some of the best glitters on the market. They're all intensely sparkly to the point of being dangerous in their ability to distract. If you walk outside wearing one of Nubar's glitters on your nails, I guarantee that you will be staring at your hands more than is probably safe."